Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Respect for Elders - the Beijing Episode

As the mercury drops below sub-zero in Beijing , there is a very heart-warming news coming from the Capital.

Not to be outdone by the Shanghai lady cab driver (actually unrelated), it is announced that the Beijing public buses will begin to offer free ride from 2009 to elderly aged 65 and above.

Buses and the commuting system will be designed to be more elderly friendly and there will be at least 10% of seats made available to the needy.

There is even a very thoughtful directive requiring that the bus driver to ensure that the elderly are securely seated before pulling the bus.

Clearly, Confucianism is making a come back to China. Hu's governing philosophy - 以人为本 (people-based) has its root in classic Confucianism. Over time, Hu's doctrine can be extended to include not just welfare and interest of the people (民生民利) but also right and liberty (民主自由) of the peoples.

It will be a historical paradox to blame China's feudalism on Confucianism (from 1900s to 1970s) and to credit Confucianism for China's progress and democratization (starting now).

I am planning to write over the next few months some snippets on Confucianism from a liberal perspective. This is quite a misnomer because Confucianism is often associated with conservative ideas. The truth is Confucianism although coded in term of deference to the ancient and sometimes legendary kings and sages, it was actually a progressive philosophy promoting benovalent governance during the Spring and Autumn period.

What I am going to write is not a reinterpretation but rather a constructive account of the Confucianism's progressiveness that is often overlooked.

京巴士增老人座位[08:52] 2008年12月9日 (二)






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